15 year olds and all teens have access to the Internet which is a great avenue for them to start making money online. Teens of yesteryear had to wash cars, mow lawns, babysit, and do who knows how many other things to get a little spending money.

Today though, for the enterprising teen, the Internet can be the start of building a small business online. Jobs for 15 year olds are not that easy to find on the Internet but it can be done. There are websites where 15 year olds can go to make some extra cash or they can get thier own website and start selling online.

Of course everyone knows about Ebay and teens can sell their video games and other things there to recoup some money. All it takes is a little know how and they can be getting a better price for their games than they would if they traded them in at the store.

Other than Ebay, 15 year olds can either start a free blog like this one at or they can buy their own domain to start a website or blog. Creating a website or blog online for a 15 year old should be a piece of cake for most teens as they are the first ones to grasp new technology and learn how to use it. How many parents have to go to their teens to ask for computer help now days because their teens know so much more about computers, cell phones, PDA's, and the Internet than they do?

Starting a business online is one of those jobs for 15 year olds that they have the ability to have that their parents never had. Making money on the Internet is not easy but the earlier you jump in and start trying the quicker you will be able to learn and succeed. This is true for almost anyone but especially true for teens and 15 year olds!

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